
The Trial Of Jesus

by Roy Cogdill There has been more recorded in the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John concerning the trial of Christ than has been recorded of any other event even including his cruicifixion. Two full chapters in each book are given to this story. It had been predicted by the prophets, and foretold by…

How Could Our Present Administration Be “Ordained Of God” (Rom. 13:1)?

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that our national leaders are increasingly becoming out of touch and in many cases at odds with the principles on which our country was founded. The “Judeo-Christian values” which seemed to be the core of much of our government’s policy for years, are being traded for humanism,…

Personal Evangelism: “Door-Knocking” in Your Neighborhood

David Halbook It’s easy to string together a lengthy list of reasons why not to go door-to-door, in some form of evangelistic effort. But, we could also list reasons why most of the  lost who hear us preach publicly, who read newspaper articles we publish, who  receive tracts we offer, etc. will not be receptive…

Sitting Under an Oak

Joe R. Price Anyone who has worked on a hot summer’s day knows the value of an oak tree. The refreshment of its cool, shady respite invites all who have labored in the heat of the day. An escape from smothering heat, its towering branches provide calm relief from the sun’s intensity. Slumber comes easily…